Hi, the problem is, when the plugin is active, it loads some data from Phoca Download component but there is no need to load the pagination. Pagination from Phoca Download is loaded in category view - by this view, when the items are loaded from database - to make pages for the items - But in plugin, there is no pagination, as you can paginate the articles but you cannot have double pagination on the site - this is why the plugin does not work with pagination.
Yes, I understand, the error comes only in specific cases, I have checked it and really didn't find any include of the pagination in the plugin
The problem I see, Phoca Download even do not create any JpaginationObject, it creates own extended class PhocaDownloadPagination but not JPagination and not JpaginationObject
In the file: \libraries\joomla\html\pagination.php - there is:
class JPaginationObject extends JObject
but such declaration is never used in any of the Phoca extension
I really have no clue advice, maybe something include the file more then one times, which is not possible in Phoca Download as it loads this way:
jimport('joomla.html.pagination'); --> means load in once, not more
Anyway, does the VM 3 work under Joomla! 2.5 or it is a Joomla! 3 component?