i used the Joomla updater, to update vom J 2.5.28 to 3.3.6
At next i updatet the Phoca Download from 2.1.9 to 3.0.6.
All Categories an Files and folders are transportet - perfect!
But if i click the link in my menu, the following error are displayed:
Code: Select all
1146 - Table 'usr_web728_13.gyfb_phocadownload_styles' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT a.filename as filename, a.type as type, a.menulink as menulink FROM gyfb_phocadownload_styles AS a WHERE a.published = 1 ORDER BY a.type, a.ordering ASC
or this link:
http://prog-web.de/strack/index.php?opt ... categories
Can you help me please?
Thank you very much!