when click on category on front-end
Code: Select all
Unknown column 'a.sales' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.id, a.title, a.image, a.alias, a.description, a.catid, c.id AS categoryid, c.title AS categorytitle, c.alias AS categoryalias, a.price, a.price_original, t.tax_rate as taxrate, t.calculation_type as taxcalculationtype, t.title as taxtitle, a.date, a.sales, a.featured, a.external_id, AVG(r.rating) AS rating, at.required AS attribute_required FROM crotc_phocacart_products AS a LEFT JOIN crotc_phocacart_categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid LEFT JOIN crotc_phocacart_taxes AS t ON t.id = a.tax_id LEFT JOIN crotc_phocacart_reviews AS r ON a.id = r.product_id AND r.id > 0 LEFT JOIN crotc_phocacart_attributes AS at ON a.id = at.product_id AND at.id > 0 AND at.required = 1 WHERE c.id = 5 AND a.published = 1 AND c.published = 1 AND c.access IN (1,1,5) AND a.access IN (1,1,5) GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 0, 6