Open Graph site description x article description

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Open Graph site description x article description

Post by ChrisCross »


I've noticed that if I add a site description and title to the settings, it overrides the article description and only shows the site title/description instead of both.

Is that the normal behaviour? I was expecting it to populate the article title and description from the article and add the site description and title from the static.


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Re: Open Graph site description x article description

Post by Jan »


this way the description works:

Code: Select all

// Description
		if ($this->params->get('description'.$suffix, '') != '') {
			plgContentPhocaOpenGraphHelper::renderTag('og:description', $this->params->get('description'.$suffix, ''), $type);
		} else if (isset($thisDesc) && $thisDesc != '') {
			plgContentPhocaOpenGraphHelper::renderTag('og:description', $thisDesc, $type);
		} else if ($config->get('MetaDesc') != '') {
			plgContentPhocaOpenGraphHelper::renderTag('og:description', $config->get('MetaDesc'), $type);
		} else if (isset($row->introtext) && $row->introtext != '' && $desc_intro == 1) {
			$iTD = str_replace("\r\n", ' ', strip_tags($row->introtext));
			$iTD = str_replace("\n", ' ', $iTD);
			$iTD = str_replace("\n", ' ', $iTD);
			plgContentPhocaOpenGraphHelper::renderTag('og:description', $iTD, $type);
There is a description rule, if it is not the case then it always comes to next rule:

-> description from the parameter
-> description from meta tags
-> description from Joomla! meta tag
-> description from text directly

To get other output, you need to customize the code directly to fit your needs. To move different rules each other.

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