Phoca Nature = how to edit the template content for my own

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Phoca Nature = how to edit the template content for my own

Post by lkhwb »

I am trying to create a website with Joomla and Phoca Nature template.

I have not used a CMS before so it is new to me. I have successfully added the Phoca Nature template and started to do some tweaking. However I can't seem to find where to edit the Phoca blurbage on the centre of the page (the div id="message"). Also I have created an article and made it to publish to the front page (it says its published, it says its order is "1" and it is set to public) but it is not displaying at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Phoca Nature = how to edit the template content for my own

Post by lkhwb » - I have been able to find where the blurbage from Phoca was situation (virtuemart > store > edit store) but now I would like to remove the "Category" from beneath it and I cannot find that?

I have the side menu and don't think I need two menus on the one page.

Also is it because I have virtuemart installed that my front page article did not display?

Also how do I get to put content in the "latest news" input section? I can't seem to find that.

Sorry to be so dopey.


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Re: Phoca Nature = how to edit the template content for my own

Post by Jan »

Hi, I think these are questions on forum, these questions are independed on template... you need to know what is a module, plugin and component...

so if you want to check your menus and left or right (mostly) items on your site, see module manager, where you can define what will be displayed and what not in the site (on module positions)

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