But I completely understand why you don't want to do so
Hi, in fact I didn't think about it so the word "don't want" is not valid. I just didn't think about limiting someone when custom options are set.
each time Google changes the Maps API
It is not only about the API, there are unlimited possibilites to extend the javascript code so in fact it is not possible to check something which does not exists yet. It is something like I should check custom CSS code for Phoca Gallery by each user - if it meets CSS rules. This is really not possible by millions of use and ulimited combinations
Add a comment to Phoca Maps documentation
I understand your point of view but in such case, I must do it for every similar parameter in Phoca Extensions. For example: Custom CSS is not checked for valid CSS, custom options of javascript popup window in Phoca Gallery is not checked for valid javascript code, all description fields not checked for valid HTML, EXIF custom fields not checked for valid EXIF code.
I hope you understand, in such case there will be one Phoca extension and I will have not time for doing others. In fact this solves the GPL licence.
In fact I should comment each parameter and write what everything could be possible if ...
So the question is where is the limit. What should be comment and what not.
At the end it can be:
Title: Description
Desc: Set description. Be aware, when you use HTML, it is not checked if it is valid. If you add swear-word to your description, such will be not automatically changed to ***. If you write password to your description, this can be dangerous for you as everybody can read it. If you write some lie, you can go to court.
And the real example: If you use own custome php code or javascript code in the description, it will be not checked for if it is valid the same if you use some javascript API, etc.
If some parameter value can lead to some unexpected behaviour in the API, I think, this needs to be validated in the API. What do you think?