On the site I'm building I use some PHP to display H1 pages on article pages be cause we want them in a separate module to the actual article itself. The code we use is below and it works very well. I'd like to do something similar on phocadownload pages so the category title or file title appears in the separate custom module. I'll admit my php skills are very limited
Code used to display Joomla Article Title:
Code: Select all
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$id = $input->getInt('id'); //get the article ID
$article = JTable::getInstance('content');
echo $article->get('title'); // display the article title
Code: Select all
<h1>Downloads: {phocodownload current category or page title}</h1>
See Example Screen Shot https://www.sos-webdesign.co.uk/title.png