Denied user to download redirect to an article of joomla.

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Denied user to download redirect to an article of joomla.

Post by webmasterinaffitto »

I've created some categories and downloads accessible only for SPECIAL users. Actually the system works good, so registered users not download the file and special yes but... when a registered user, not special, click on the link the browser redirect him to index page without any text to explain the reason he cannot download it.

I've tried to find something into configuration of Phoca Downloads to redirect denied user to a specified article but I've not found nothing, is there this possibility?

How can I redirect users, cannot download the file, to an article I've created to explain them why cannot download the file?

Thank you for help.
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Re: Denied user to download redirect to an article of joomla.

Post by Jan »

Hi, there is no such option, users are redirected to login page, but you can change the text message for them directly in language file, if the one default does not fit your needs. :idea:

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