The category images are displayed only in categories view, so in the case of multiple category levels, only the main categories can have images.
I'd like the category view to have the same or similar layout as the categories view has.
I was trying to modify the category template but that didn't work.
Code: Select all
echo '<div class="pd-subcategory">';
echo '<a href="'. JRoute::_(PhocaDownloadRoute::getCategoryRoute($valueSubCat->id, $valueSubCat->alias))
.'">'. $valueSubCat->title.'</a>';
echo '<small>('.$valueSubCat->numdoc.')</small>';
echo '<div class="ph-img">';
echo '<a href="'. JRoute::_(PhocaDownloadRoute::getCategoryRoute($valueSubCat->id, $valueSubCat->alias)).'">'. '<img src="'.$this->t['cssimgpath'].$value->image.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($value->title)).'" />'.'</a>';
echo '</div></div>' . "\n";