Bugs and how to handle them

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Re: Bugs and how to handle them

Post by Jan »

Hi, I would not say "normal" but I would say, there are some priorities. I have written over hundred thousand lines of code and there are thousands of features waiting for implementation and thousands of tasks to solve to run the extensions in newest Joomla! versions (many parts of code must be often overwritten to work with the latest version)

So I am not saying, some identical strings which are here from historical reasons and their changing is not good because of backward compatibility, is "normal" and ignored but they don't break any code to work the extension properly but there are hundreds of fixes/changes which need to be done first, so the extensions will work in the newest Joomla! versions ... So it is only about priorities :-( :-(

When the water flows into your ship, you will not solve how to renew color of name of your ship but how to clog a hole ... and the hole is in this example working extension in newest Joomla! and in case it will be ready for the newest Joomla! you can care about the color ... I hope you understand.

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