Shipping Rules

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Shipping Rules

Post by MarcB »

Hi Jan,

I have several rules for shipping, based on size and weight.
When adding a product to my cart and checking out, non of the available is picked.
I have the feeling I'm forgetting something (although it worked before).

Please see following images:

Product specs:
Shipping list:
Shipping details: ... ng%202.PNG
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Re: Shipping Rules

Post by Jan »

Hi, all rules must fit the criteria, when I see the product, then:

e.g. lenght can fit the "Pakket" but not width any more
e.g. width can fit the "Standard" but any "Standard" has over 298 so it does not meet the length, etc.

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Re: Shipping Rules

Post by MarcB »

ok, I measured the correct size and weight of the item, guessing Phoca would select the best shipping line.
Now, I've given the product the minimum shipping specs for the rule I know should be selected and it does show up.

I'll keep it in mind for the next time.

For one item it's correct now. But if I select two of the same item, with the amount rule on, why does it not calculate the shipping rule twice?

My product fits in 1 box, shipping then is €3.90. When a customer selects two of that products, how can I have Phoca calculate the rule twice?
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Re: Shipping Rules

Post by Jan »

For one item it's correct now. But if I select two of the same item, with the amount rule on, why does it not calculate the shipping rule twice?
Hi, it is not easy as it looks. For this specific shipping plugin must be done - some that corresponds to a particular service.

If one item has e.g. lenght 1m and you will order 3, it does not mean that the total lenght will be 3m - it can be still only one meter and istead of counting lenght e.g. the width will be changed, etc. etc. :idea:

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