Google maps route planner

Phoca Maps - displaying maps in Joomla! CMS
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Google maps route planner

Post by telekis »


I integrated the Phoca Maps plugin to my Joomla! website. I want to use the google maps api to display a map and let the user create routes to the given destination.
I enabled the javascript, geocoding, directions apis and i have my api key set up in the Phoca Maps settings.

But for reasons the Maps gives me the following error every time i try the routing function:
No route could be found between the origin and destination.
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Re: Google maps route planner

Post by Jan »

Hi, did you try to set another direction/markters for test? If the API just does not find the added place,unfortunately, there is no tool to somehow change it.This is fully API feature without any chance to influence it. :idea:

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