so the question is if the value is accepted. Just try to test if this value is OK for this tag.
So, having a lot of trouble for what should be a simple field to import! (Not Phoca Cart problem - just hard to find clear info on what format is required)price
The product price + currency is a required attribute for all products. For example 15.00 USD. The currency needs to match the country you’re creating the feed for.
You need to include VAT into your price, except if you’re targeting the USA, Canada or India.
This suggests, in Phoca Cart, the following:Format
Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure that we understand the data that you're submitting.
Type Number plus currency (use ISO 4217)
Repeated field No
Schema.org property
(What's this?) Offer.priceSpecification, Type: PriceSpecification
File format Example entry
Text feeds 15.00 GBP
XML feeds <g:price>15.00 GBP</g:price>