I have a plugin Universal AJAX live search installed.
When searching for a product, it incorrectly gives a link to the product in the subcategory.
More details on how it works:
i have 6 item
- "sf 12012" in subcategory
- "sf 12022" in parent category
- "sf 12045" in subcategory
- "sf 1207" in subcategory
- "sf 1212" in subcategory
- "sf 1217" in subcategory
find 6 item
only this "sf 12022" has the correct link, because in parent category
if move other item to parent category - everything is fine.
- link from result search: /component/phocacart/item/bloki-pitaniya/prochie-bp-i-akkumulyatory/akkumulyator-sf-12012
- real link to product: /directory/dc-adapter/prochie-bp-i-akkumulyatory/akkumulyator-sf-12012
The problem is that in our search plugin, we use a default Phoca cart function for generate the products url.
Please contact with the developers of Phoca Cart about how to fix the function called getItemRoute to make it work for the products which are in a subcategory:
PhocacartRoute::getItemRoute($value->id, $value->catid, $value->alias, $value->catalias)