Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

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Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Robx61 »

Good morning. I upgraded to the latest version of PhocaCart (4.01Beta3) but I have a problem that I cannot find the solution to. On the Administrative side in the Products section I no longer see the products. In the server and in the database everything is fine. In the general page of the administrative side, nothing is seen except if I select the categories or if I recall the single products. I repeat that the catalog is fully functional as well as the site side from which it is possible to choose products, place orders, pay etc. etc.

I have noticed something that seems anomalous to me. When I try to regenerate the preview of a product the system replies to me this:

Miniature (s) regenerated
Product xxxxxxx: The original file does not exist

but I can assure you that, as I have already said, the site, the catalog and the database are perfect ...

What can it be?

Thanks for your kind help ...
Roberto :!:

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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by christine »

Hi Roberto,

Don't know the reason for, but for 1. try, update to the latest Version from 09may2022: https://www.phoca.cz/news

Kind regards
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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Jan »

After upgrading to stable as Christine wrote, If you enable debug mode and php error reporting, do you get there some error message?

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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Robx61 »

Good evening Jan,

Here are the queries that interest PhocaCart:

SELECT DISTINCT a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.published, a.ordering, a.featured, a.language, a.sku, a.image, a.price, a.price_original, a.stock, a.hits, l.title AS language_title, l.image AS language_image, uc.name AS editor, ag.title AS access_level, pc.ordering
FROM `zysgmctf_phocacart_products` AS a
LEFT JOIN `zysgmctf_languages` AS l ON l.lang_code = a.language
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_users AS uc ON uc.id = a.checked_out
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_phocacart_product_categories AS pc ON a.id = pc.product_id
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_phocacart_categories AS c ON c.id = pc.category_id
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_phocacart_product_stock AS ps ON a.id = ps.product_id
WHERE (a.published IN (0, 1)) AND pc.category_id = 0

FROM `zysgmctf_phocacart_products` AS a
LEFT JOIN `zysgmctf_languages` AS l ON l.lang_code = a.language
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_users AS uc ON uc.id = a.checked_out
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_phocacart_product_categories AS pc ON a.id = pc.product_id
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_phocacart_categories AS c ON c.id = pc.category_id
LEFT JOIN zysgmctf_phocacart_product_stock AS ps ON a.id = ps.product_id
WHERE (a.published IN (0, 1)) AND pc.category_id = 0

SELECT a.id FROM zysgmctf_phocacart_currencies AS a WHERE a.id = 1 AND a.published = 1 ORDER BY a.id

SELECT a. * FROM zysgmctf_phocacart_currencies AS a WHERE a.id = 1 ORDER BY a.id

SELECT a.title AS text, a.id AS value, a.parent_id as parentid FROM zysgmctf_phocacart_categories AS a ORDER BY a.ordering

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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Robx61 »

Good evening Christine,

I installed the update, I downloaded the new version (4.0.1) and I also installed the downloaded one but nothing has changed.

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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Robx61 »

Excuse me but I think it is a problem with the "filter" options. Some work others don't release results and there seems to be no image for them. I also found that if I log out of the account and then return, the images of the products magically reappear and then disappear if, for example, I ask for a view by Title ...
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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Jan »

Hi, hmmm, do you use some cache feature on the site?

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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Robx61 »

once the cache has been reset ... nothing ... the products can only be seen by selecting the category.
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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Jan »

Hi, hmmm, really hard to say what can be wrong there, testing now, get no such problems on different servers :idea:
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Re: Gost Catalog (in Administrative side)

Post by Robx61 »

... I thought it might depend on the database but even in this case the problem remained, despite using a backup from 15 days ago. So I think the problem is in the product filter options. Which files deal with the product filter? The idea is to replace or install them in case they got damaged for some reason ... I have a backup site on an online server exactly like the official site and I can try there ...
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