Issue - Up arrow to go back a level not working

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Issue - Up arrow to go back a level not working

Post by latorreinfo »

Our document library is used by both registered users who have full access and public who can access 2 categories.

The website has 3 menu options for Phoca
Registered used can enter Phoca and see the list of categories
Pubic users have 2 options, each displays a list oi files for a specific category (for example categories A and C)

The problem I have is for registered users. They go in and see a list of categories (for example A, B C and D).

If they select category A (or C) the list of files is displayed. However the up arrow doesn't work and they cannot get back to the list of categories. It works for for categories B and D

The issue appears to be that different types of URL are used for the list of files in a category

For A & C the format is
For B & D the format is ... e-meetings

So for A (and C) even though we have entered via the full libary menu option, its using the category option and therefore wont go up a further level
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Re: Issue - Up arrow to go back a level not working

Post by Jan »

Hi, what happens, when you only create one menu link (link to categories view) and all other links will be set as absolute? (copied from url bar when going throuhg the Phoca Download levels - categories - category - file, ...)

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