multi-language - field groups - fields

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multi-language - field groups - fields

Post by adm »

PhocaCart 5.0.0Beta47

Defined own field groups and fields and each assigned language (English or German). In the frontend, however, all fields are displayed, regardless of the language.
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Re: multi-language - field groups - fields

Post by Benno »

PhocaCart 5.0.0Beta47
Same behavior with current version v5.0.0Beta52?

Kind regards,
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Re: multi-language - field groups - fields

Post by Jan »

Hi, which fields do you mean? Do you mean custom fileds by Joomla? If yes, the multilanguage is not supported for this Joomla core feature as this is not compatible with current language feature. Not sure if we find some solution for this problem as it is problematic somehow change Joomla features :-(

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Re: multi-language - field groups - fields

Post by adm »

Update to Beta55 - same result

Created Field groups and fields over Phoca Cart menu - field groups / fields

excerpt from #_field_groups
"id" "asset_id" "context" "title" "note" "description" "state" "checked_out" "checked_out_time" "ordering" "params" "language" "created" "created_by" "modified" "modified_by" "access"
"3" "118" "com_phocacart.phocacartitem" "Inhalt" "" "" "1" \N \N "1" "{""display_readonly"":""1""}" "de-DE" "2024-05-10 08:45:11" "304" "2024-05-14 12:18:35"
"9" "150" "com_phocacart.phocacartitem" "Content" "" "" "1" \N \N "0" "{""display_readonly"":""1""}" "en-GB" "2024-05-15 10:00:07" "304" "2024-05-15 10:00:07" "304" "1"

excerpt from #_fields
"id" "asset_id" "context" "group_id" "title" "name" "label" "default_value" "type" "note" "description" "state" "required" "only_use_in_subform" "checked_out" "checked_out_time" "ordering" "params" "fieldparams" "language" "created_time" "created_user_id" "modified_time" "modified_by" "access"
"7" "123" "com_phocacart.phocacartitem" "3" "Inhalt" "inhalt" "Inhalt" "" "editor" "" "" "1" "0" "0" \N \N "1" "{""hint"":"""",""class"":"""",""label_class"":"""",""show_on"":""2"",""showon"":"""",""render_class"":"""",""value_render_class"":"""",""showlabel"":""0"",""label_render_class"":"""",""display"":""0"",""prefix"":"""",""suffix"":"""",""layout"":"""",""display_readonly"":""2"",""searchindex"":""0"",""is_filter"":0,""allow_batch"":0}" "{""buttons"":"""",""width"":"""",""height"":"""",""filter"":""""}" "de-DE" "2024-05-10 09:05:25" "304" "2024-05-14 12:19:27" "304" "1"
"14" "151" "com_phocacart.phocacartitem" "9" "Content" "content" "Content" "" "editor" "" "" "1" "0" "0" \N \N "8" "{""hint"":"""",""class"":"""",""label_class"":"""",""show_on"":"""",""showon"":"""",""render_class"":"""",""value_render_class"":"""",""showlabel"":""0"",""label_render_class"":"""",""display"":""2"",""prefix"":"""",""suffix"":"""",""layout"":"""",""display_readonly"":""2"",""searchindex"":""0"",""is_filter"":0,""allow_batch"":0}" "{""buttons"":"""",""width"":"""",""height"":"""",""filter"":""""}" "en-GB" "2024-05-15 10:00:30" "304" "2024-05-22 09:31:21" "304" "1"

On Frontpage both field-groups (de-DE and en-GB) are always displayed when you switch frontend to German or English.
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Re: multi-language - field groups - fields

Post by mino182 »

Hi, you should use one field for both language, with language variable as label... You can define them in language overrides.
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Re: multi-language - field groups - fields

Post by adm »

I created a language override for a title of a field group. It doesn't work - the label (titel) is displayed.
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Re: multi-language - field groups - fields

Post by adm »

If you only use one field group for "all languages" and this field group assigns the fields for the respective languages, then it works.
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