Right now the plugin seems to work but I have 2 Questions:
1.) Which status (shipped with customer information ?) must an oder be set to get PDF Invoice, Delivery Note ?
I hav an exisiting order from pre installation but I can get no invoice/deilivery note for it.
2.) When I try to modify or create a new shipping carrier I get an error message and I can only set one character for a carrier:
Code: Select all
Warning: Missing argument 2 for vmGet(), called in /var/www/web22/html/bmw-oldtimerteile/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_shipping.php on line 113 and defined in /var/www/web22/html/bmw-oldtimerteile/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/request.class.php on line 26