noob and floom modules does not apear in the module-manager

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noob and floom modules does not apear in the module-manager

Post by Stefan2106 »

I have a problem that I could'nt find here in this forum. Sorry if I failed to see.
After installation with the extention-manager-install-dialogue of the phoca-gallery-component (com_phocagallery_v3.0.0_rc4) for Joomla! 1.6 I wanted to install the noob (mod_phocagallery_slideshow_noob_v1.0.2) and the floom (de-DE.mod_phocagallery_slideshow_floom_j16) modules. But after successful installation i cannot find this modules in the module-manager so I cannot set any options to this modules.
I can see the module-names in the extention-manager -> manage, but in this area I can only enable or disable the modules. In the extention-manager they are of course enabled!
On the webspace there is the mod_phocagallery_slideshow_noob - folder but no floom - folder! In the mysql-database there are entries for floom and noob modules in the extension table.
Have I made something wrong?

I am very thankful for help in this matter.

Greetings Stefan
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Re: noob and floom modules does not apear in the module-mana

Post by Benno »

I can see the module-names in the extention-manager -> manage, but in this area I can only enable or disable the modules. In the extention-manager they are of course enabled!
Then both modules shoul be installed.
Check if you use the "Site" option to see the modules:
Kind regards,
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Re: noob and floom modules does not apear in the module-mana

Post by Stefan2106 »

thank you for quick reply. I have checked my settings. "Site" in the module-manager is selected (screenshots -> make notice on the selected sorter: title and name) no other filters are turned on. in the extention-manager the galleries are visible, in the modul-manager not. what could be the reason?
I have repeated the installation-process once, but I couldn't recognize any changes.
I'm very thankful for help in this matter. Thanks a lot.
Greetings Stefan
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Re: noob and floom modules does not apear in the module-mana

Post by Benno »

Hallo Stefan,
ich sehe, dass Du deutsche Sprachpakete installiert hast, also schreibe ich Dir jetzt auf deutsch.
On the webspace there is the mod_phocagallery_slideshow_noob - folder but no floom - folder!
Das ist richtig, denn von Floom hast Du nur deutsche Sprachpaket, nicht das Modul installiert.
Das ist das Modul: ...
Noob hast Du aber richtig installiert und warum das dann im Modulmanager nicht angezeigt wird, kann ich mir auch nicht wirklich erklären. :idea:
Ich würde versuchen wenn Du das Floom Modul installierst und auch nicht im Modulmanager findest, die Sprachpakete und die Module über Manage zu deinstallieren (damit auch die Einträge in der Datenbank gelöscht werden) und es dann noch einmal zu versuchen.
Freundliche Grüße,
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