Great component you have here and we are in the midst of trying to get an integration going with our component, EasyBlog. I've been experiencing quite a bit of issues when trying to create a plugin for PhocaPDF (Particularly the plugin rendering part).
PhocaPDF on both Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.6 is lacking the following codes in the file /administrator/components/com_phocapdf/helpers/phocapdfrender.php at line 137 and 138
Code: Select all
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'phocapdf' );
Second, I am not too sure if this is the correct way of doing things but looking at the codes, there's actually no way to render the parameters through the back end of PhocaPDF. In the PhocaPDF component for Joomla 1.6, the file /administrator/components/com_phocapdf/views/phocapdfplugin/tmpl/edit.php is pointing to the following location,
Code: Select all
if(JFile::exists(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'views'.DS.'phocapdfplugins'.DS.'tmpl'.DS.'default_'.$this->item->element.'.php')) {
echo $this->loadTemplate($this->item->element);
} else {
1. You need to have a dummy file available at /views/phocapdfplugins/tmpl/
2. You need to also have a configuration file available at /views/phocapdfplugin/tmpl/
On a side note, as a plugin developer I do think that the back end option should be made easily where the component should try to render the above file from the plugins folder /plugins/phocapdf/element/element_params.php or something similar. That would really make installation work easily