I am using Joomla 2.5 under IIS7.
The Phoca Download works excellent for small files. I published around 200 files (100kb-300kb) and there is no problem at all.
- I tried to share bigger files 300MB-600MB/each.
- I copied to the server around 50GB data.
- I set up the files in Phoca and published.
- After the 9th file the browser is hanging. I am able to download till the first 9, but after its timeout.
- The sum size of the first 9 file is around 4.3GB.
- Its not possible to download the rest of the files.
I checked it with Single Add and with Multiple Add / different browsers as well. Same result.
I checked my PHP.ini about some "download size" restrictions but I didnt find any (just for upload).
Any idea why cant I share more than around 4.3GB sum data? Did I missed some settings? Could be because cache? But then why can I start on the first 9 files?
Thank You for your help!
Have a great day!
I checked other topics as well and I did what you suggested to others:
Created a test.php cointaining:
function customError($errno, $errstr)
echo "<b>Error:</b> [$errno] $errstr<br />";
echo "Ending Script";
$fileSize = filesize("./phocadownload/Tuyet Trang San Ga - Trinh Tuan Vy.mkv");
$httpRange = 0;
$newFileSize = $fileSize - 1;
$resultLenght = (string)$fileSize;
$resultRange = "0-".$newFileSize;
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && preg_match('%^bytes=\d*\-\d*$%', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) {
list($a, $httpRange) = explode('=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']);
$httpRange = explode('-', $httpRange);
if(!empty($httpRange[0]) || !empty($httpRange[1])) {
$resultLenght = $fileSize - $httpRange[0] - $httpRange[1];
header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content");
$resultRange = $resultLenght.'-'.$newFileSize;
$resultRange = $httpRange[0].'-'.$newFileSize;
$resultRange = $httpRange[0] . '-' . $httpRange[1];
echo "Content-Length: ". $resultLenght . "<br />";
echo "Content-Range: bytes " . $resultRange . '/' . $fileSize . "<br />";
Error: [2] filesize(): stat failed for ./phocadownload/Tuyet Trang San Ga - Trinh Tuan Vy.mkv
Ending Script
Any idea?
