I'm having a problem where depending on whether or not I have the phocadownload file category in the topmenu on my page, links to files that I have in articles on the page are generated differently by the phocadownload plugin. If I do not have the file category in a menu on the page the link goes to a page with no phocadownload file details, if I do have the category in a menu on the page the link works properly.
For example, on my front page (http://www.bassbed.com) I have a featured article that has this code in the article body:
Code: Select all
{phocadownload view=file|id=72|target=s}
http://bassbed.com/index.php/component/ ... 012-calmp3
When I click on this link it goes to a mostly blank page with 'Powered by Phoca Download' at the bottom.
However if I DO have a link to the category that this file is in on the topmenu on my page (Mixes -> Sound Revolution -> Apr. 3 2012) THIS link is generated by the plugin:
http://bassbed.com/index.php/mixes-a-so ... 012-calmp3
This link works and goes to the full file listing for the file, just the way I want it to.
I'm using Joomla 1.7.1 and version 2.1.6 of both the phocadownload component and plugin.
It's not a super huge problem, just a bit of a hassle because I don't always want to put the category in the topmenu.
Is there something that I can do differently to make the plugin always generate the working link, or is this an issue with the plugin itself?
Please let me know if you need any other info, and thanks for your time!