[SOLVED] Files listing seemingly borked

Phoca Download - download manager
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[SOLVED] Files listing seemingly borked

Post by coar »

Ok, let me start at the beginning.

I recently took over management of a Joomla! 1.5.22 installation that had Phoca Download 1.3.7 installed. After a server migration which went fairly well (only 2 days of uploading files, 2 hours figuring out what was what, and 2 hours cleaning up the configurations), I updated to Phoca Download 1.3.9 using the update option for install, but something must have gone screwy or something, because after the update, I could not access the categories when clicking on their link. To ensure I cleaned up everything, I did a complete uninstall to include the files on the server. I did a reinstall of Phoca Download 1.3.9, and while I can access the categories, and the categories indicate the correct number of files, I don't see any files listed, however, through some restoration, it does indicate the one file I have set up again as having the most downloads. My end goal is for any website visitor to be able to see the list of files available for download and be able to download any of them, and that list be something that I can update by adding a new entry to the Phoca Download files listing in admin view. I don't want any form of public upload, to include by registered users, just FTP/Joomla! admin updates.

To be quite honest, I have about 12 hours experience with Joomla! and about 4 hours experience with Phoca Download, but I learn quickly. What am I missing? Do I need to install something else and set it up too? If I did something wrong with my linking, please let me know that too. I've tried looking for documentation, but I'm in a bit of a time crunch, and I could really use the help. To the best of what I can tell, everything should be set to public listing, but I can't be sure.

Thanks in advance.

Here's the database entries:

jos_phocadownload SQL export:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `jos_phocadownload` (`id`, `catid`, `sectionid`, `owner_id`, `sid`, `title`, `alias`, `filename`, `filesize`, `filename_play`, `filename_preview`, `author`, `author_email`, `author_url`, `license`, `license_url`, `image_filename`, `image_filename_spec1`, `image_filename_spec2`, `image_download`, `link_external`, `description`, `version`, `directlink`, `date`, `publish_up`, `publish_down`, `hits`, `textonly`, `published`, `approved`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `ordering`, `access`, `confirm_license`, `unaccessible_file`, `params`, `metakey`, `metadesc`) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 'Haunted Voices Radio', 'hvrn', 'bobbynelson.mp3', 86604946, 'bobbynelson.mp3', 'bobbynelson.mp3', 'HVRN Talk Radio', 'info@hvrnc.com', 'www.hvtalkradio.com', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '<p>Todd & Phil interview Skeptic Bobby Nelson</p>\r\n<p><img src="images/stories/hv-192old.gif" border="0" /></p>', '', 0, '2011-04-07 22:47:12', '2011-04-07 22:47:12', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 700, 0, 1, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, 0, -1, 0, NULL, '', '');
jos_phocadownload_categories SQL export:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `jos_phocadownload_categories` (`id`, `parent_id`, `section`, `title`, `name`, `alias`, `image`, `image_position`, `description`, `published`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `editor`, `ordering`, `access`, `uploaduserid`, `accessuserid`, `deleteuserid`, `date`, `count`, `params`, `metakey`, `metadesc`) VALUES
(1, 0, 1, 'Haunted Voices Radio Archives', '', 'hvrnarchives, '', 'left', '', 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL, 8, 0, '62', '0', NULL, '2011-03-26 20:11:32', 0, NULL, '', '');
jos_phocadownload_sections SQL export:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `jos_phocadownload_sections` (`id`, `title`, `name`, `alias`, `image`, `scope`, `image_position`, `description`, `published`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `ordering`, `access`, `date`, `count`, `params`, `metakey`, `metadesc`) VALUES
(1, 'Past Shows', '', 'pastshows', '', '', 'left', '', 1, 62, '2011-07-22 22:14:47', 1, 0, '2011-03-19 19:25:46', 0, NULL, '', '');
jos_phocadownload_settings SQL export:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `jos_phocadownload_settings` (`id`, `title`, `value`, `values`, `type`) VALUES
(1, 'download_folder', 'phocadownload', '', 'text'),
(2, 'allowed_file_types', '{hqx=application/mac-binhex40}\r\n{cpt=application/mac-compactpro}\r\n{csv=text/x-comma-separated-values}\r\n{bin=application/macbinary}\r\n{dms=application/octet-stream}\r\n{lha=application/octet-stream}\r\n{lzh=application/octet-stream}\r\n{exe=application/octet-stream}\r\n{class=application/octet-stream}\r\n{psd=application/x-photoshop}\r\n{so=application/octet-stream}\r\n{sea=application/octet-stream}\r\n{dll=application/octet-stream}\r\n{oda=application/oda}\r\n{pdf=application/pdf}\r\n{ai=application/postscript}\r\n{eps=application/postscript}\r\n{ps=application/postscript}\r\n{smi=application/smil}\r\n{smil=application/smil}\r\n{mif=application/vnd.mif}\r\n{xls=application/vnd.ms-excel}\r\n{ppt=application/powerpoint}\r\n{wbxml=application/wbxml}\r\n{wmlc=application/wmlc}\r\n{dcr=application/x-director}\r\n{dir=application/x-director}\r\n{dxr=application/x-director}\r\n{dvi=application/x-dvi}\r\n{gtar=application/x-gtar}\r\n{gz=application/x-gzip}\r\n{php=application/x-httpd-php}\r\n{php4=application/x-httpd-php}\r\n{php3=application/x-httpd-php}\r\n{phtml=application/x-httpd-php}\r\n{phps=application/x-httpd-php-source}\r\n{js=application/x-javascript}\r\n{swf=application/x-shockwave-flash}\r\n{sit=application/x-stuffit}\r\n{tar=application/x-tar}\r\n{tgz=application/x-tar}\r\n{xhtml=application/xhtml+xml}\r\n{xht=application/xhtml+xml}\r\n{zip=application/x-zip}\r\n{mid=audio/midi}\r\n{midi=audio/midi}\r\n{mpga=audio/mpeg}\r\n{mp2=audio/mpeg}\r\n{mp3=audio/mpeg}\r\n{aif=audio/x-aiff}\r\n{aiff=audio/x-aiff}\r\n{aifc=audio/x-aiff}\r\n{ram=audio/x-pn-realaudio}\r\n{rm=audio/x-pn-realaudio}\r\n{rpm=audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin}\r\n{ra=audio/x-realaudio}\r\n{rv=video/vnd.rn-realvideo}\r\n{wav=audio/x-wav}\r\n{bmp=image/bmp}\r\n{gif=image/gif}\r\n{jpeg=image/jpeg}\r\n{jpg=image/jpeg}\r\n{jpe=image/jpeg}\r\n{png=image/png}\r\n{tiff=image/tiff}\r\n{tif=image/tiff}\r\n{css=text/css}\r\n{html=text/html}\r\n{htm=text/html}\r\n{shtml=text/html}\r\n{txt=text/plain}\r\n{text=text/plain}\r\n{log=text/plain}\r\n{rtx=text/richtext}\r\n{rtf=text/rtf}\r\n{xml=text/xml}\r\n{xsl=text/xml}\r\n{mpeg=video/mpeg}\r\n{mpg=video/mpeg}\r\n{mpe=video/mpeg}\r\n{qt=video/quicktime}\r\n{mov=video/quicktime}\r\n{avi=video/x-msvideo}\r\n{flv=video/x-flv}\r\n{movie=video/x-sgi-movie}\r\n{doc=application/msword}\r\n{xl=application/excel}\r\n{eml=message/rfc822}', '', 'textarea'),
(3, 'disallowed_file_types', '', '', 'textarea'),
(4, 'upload_maxsize', '7340032', '', 'text'),
(5, 'enable_flash', '1', '{0=No}{1=Yes}', 'select'),
(6, 'enable_user_statistics', '1', '{0=No}{1=Yes}', 'select'),
(7, 'absolute_path', '', '', 'text'),
(8, 'description', '', '', 'textareaeditor');
Last edited by coar on 26 Jun 2012, 21:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Files listing seemingly borked

Post by Jan »

Hi, did you read this:
https://www.phoca.cz/documents/16-joomla ... ent-errors

No sure, If I can add more advices that described there :-(

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Re: Files listing seemingly borked

Post by coar »

I don't know what it was. I uninstalled and reinstalled again, and then everything worked fine.
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Re: [SOLVED] Files listing seemingly borked

Post by Jan »

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