I have been back and forth with Jan, who has been a huge help in setting up my downloads and all the modules I need... but there seems to be some confusion as to what exactly I am looking for, so I am hoping someone on here can help me.
Basically, I am looking for an RSS feed of my latest files added. Jan said that the RSS feed is visible in the module, but I can't seem to find it, and Jan takes a very long time to reply to emails. This is something I need done ASAP, as it is the last thing I really need checked off from my site development. I want my users to be able to plug the RSS feed into their feed readers so that they get updated whenever there is a new file added. Jan says that this feature is built in, but doesn't ever say how I can access it, or what the URL would be to get it. Jan said that the feed URL for THIS site is:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
I think there is a communication gap that Jan and I just can't overcome, and so I am asking for everyone's help in this. PLEASE help me!
If you can help, thank you in advance!