Adding descriptions to Preview Modal or Popup Squeeze Box

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Joined: 13 Sep 2012, 10:58

Adding descriptions to Preview Modal or Popup Squeeze Box

Post by deltadan79 »

Would there be a way to add descriptions to a modal popup box for a file preview button? I would really like a way to add not just text descriptions, but possibly modules to the top, bottom, or side of the modal or squeeze box popup for a file preview.

I would like to allow people to download a file using the download button, but give them the option to read the complete pdf with the preview button. However, it would be nice to have a module or two up top to button a banner ad, or some other description from a module.

I did scour the forum using the search tool and google, looked at every file in the phocadownload directories and even the joomla libraries for the function. For some reason i just can't wrap my head around the place that might be a good place to start or what might have to be done.

If i can get a direction or 'best method' to accomplish the task, then i might be able to google the rest :)

Best Regards,

THANK YOU VERY MUCH. i'm sure you moderators may or may not hear this enough. but it's definitely meant (coming from someone who often gives more hours to these projects than peope often pay, if at all :) )