I am using "Phoca Restaurant Menu pro", it works with no problem on your default joomla templates, but i have a problem in settings of custom shape5 template (the "IMAGE MAX WIDTH" feature), the text is overlapping images, i contacted them, and this is a reply:
Code: Select all
The images aren't showing up at all in IE or Firefox or Opera for me. The only one I could get it to show up for was Chrome. Could you try disabling 3rd party styling and turning off lazy load images in the template manager to see if you can get them to display?
The images are being generated from Phoca.
Code: Select all
All max-width is doing is making sure that the image won?t get any larger than it?s surrounding div. In this case you have a div with the class pmimage that has a 1% width on it:
<div class="pmimage"><a rel="{handler: 'image', size: {x: 200, y: 150}, overlayOpacity: 0.3, classWindow: 'phocagallery-phocamenu-window', classOverlay: 'phocagallery-phocamenu-overlay'}" href="/vitoandnicks/images/phocagallery/Salads/thumbs/phoca_thumb_l_salad.jpg" title="Image Detail" class="modal-button">
<img alt="Image Detail" src="/vitoandnicks/images/phocagallery/Salads/thumbs/phoca_thumb_m_salad.jpg"></a></div>
On phocamenu.css:
#phocamenu .pmimage, #phocamenu .pm-item table tr td div.pmimage {
width: 1%;
So basically the image can?t get any wider than it?s containing div because phoca has it set to 1%. Why phoca has it set this way I have no idea.
I would send them an email to see if they can provide you a coding fix for their extension.
(inthis screenshot is "bill of fare")
is there any solution for it?