upload pop-up isn't loading in a pop-up

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upload pop-up isn't loading in a pop-up

Post by Gkuurstra »


I use Phocadownloads on several websites.
But no my client uses IE as his browser and wants to upload some files.
When he clicks on the button: "upload files", the pop-up isn't loading as a pop-up but as a new page.
This way he can't close this "pop-up" because there is no close-button.

In other browser the pop-up is loading fine as a pop-up and closes automatically when selecting a file.

Can you help me to fix this? I already search on this forum, but couldn't fine a solution.


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Re: upload pop-up isn't loading in a pop-up

Post by Jan »

Hi, really no idea what can be wrong with the non standard browsers :-( Maybe this is some settings of the OS or browser, testing with IE, and upload box is normally displayed (this should be as it is a browser - OS issue, this is not controlled by any website script but by browser and OS :idea: )

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Re: upload pop-up isn't loading in a pop-up

Post by Gkuurstra »

Thanks for the reply!
I hoped that you would have a clue what the problem could be, but now I'm sure that it isn't your extensions.
I will see if I can fix this with the browser settings.

Thnx and greetings!
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