One of my problems is that the PREVIEW button is missing, and I can't figure out how to get it to show. I have used the {pdbuttonpreview} tag in a few different places on the layout manager, but it just won't show anywhere. All I get is a "Details" and "Download" button. I would like to get it so that when you click "Play" or "Preview" it opens a player in a new window. The site I mentioned earlier uses "Flow Player" for both audio and video files, and they open in a second window when you click a "Play" button. That's what I am trying to do. The rest of my questions are just extra, they are not as pressing as this issue is, but if someone can answer them, I would be eternally grateful

Ok, so my next question is... once I get the "preview" button to work, is there a way I can make it preview the main file, without having to have two files on my server taking up space? The site I mentioned before... when you upload a track, it automatically makes a preview, or maybe it links the preview to the main track, I am not sure.... all I know is that you only have to upload once, and you get both a downloadable file and a preview of that file. I would like to be able to do that.
Next is it possible to use a different folder for different file types? For example, I have to upload both audio and video, and sometimes they have the same file name. I would like to be able to select the video folder when I upload a video and the audio folder when I upload an audio track.
Lastly, this is totally off topic, but can someone recommend some sort of subscription based user manager that works with Phoca Download? I want to be able to have someone register, pay via paypal, and be able to enter the download area while their subscription is active, and have it do the user management and all that automatically, so that it doesn't require my attention for every new member.
Thank you in advance (and I will thank you 100x after) if you can help me! I know this is a lot, but this is the PERFECT solution to what I am trying to do, and I really would like to learn how to do these things!