Although I think this system is great, I was wondering, is there a way to ADD FIELDS to the (User Upload) screen options that would allow the user to say upload a (picture) with his/her file. This way when a user clicks on a file to download instead of the standard (title, file name, size and download button they could also see a small picture of said item as well.
Example of use would be:
3d Car model upload file, it would be nice if they could also upload a (demo picture) of the model .
User Created an Avatar for use in forums or in some cases games again, people are more apt to download said file if they can see an example.
Currently I am adding these picture files via the administration back end to each of the users uploads when requested, but to be honest keeping up with requests gets a bit daunting at times.

If there is simply something I am missing in the configuration/setup for this system? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
And to the Devs,
Thank you for your hard work and great products as they are a life saver!
