cb login redirect

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cb login redirect

Post by dontflinch »


I am trying to use cb as the user/login manager for the site phocadownload is on. I am using 3.0.0 on a Joomla 3.0.3 installation.

I have looked very closely for my answer before posting. I have reviewed this page:
https://www.google.com/search?Search%26 ... login%2Bcb

and found this post to be the closest:

however, I think you have since broken up some of that into an admin library folder with subfolders in 3.0, so these files must not be all the right ones anymore.

additionally, I have gone through what feels like every file in admin and frontend but i must be missing something.

I have already changed the login redirect url to cb in the following files and yet the action still goes to com_user rather than com_profiler when someone clicks a frontend phocadownload link when not logged in.

administrator/components/com_phocadownload/libraries/phocadownload/download/download.php [ $returnUrl on line 329 ]
components/com_phocadownload/models/file.php [ $returnUrl commented out but i changed to be sure on line 50 & also on line 53 ]
components/com_phocadownload/controllers/user.php [ $this->loginUrl on line 25 ]

can you please give me any advice on everywhere this redirect to com_user is happening please?

I really appreciate any help, I have been over this two separate times for hours and still cannot find where that is.

EDIT: argh, firefox. i guess it did fix it somewhere along the way today and i had a bad cache going this time. i think the important fix must have been the admin libraries folder one, because I think I found that change this time I looked. hope this helps someone else. :)
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Re: cb login redirect

Post by Jan »

Hi, thank you for the info.

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