Play and preview in protected content (non public_html)

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Play and preview in protected content (non public_html)

Post by iblanco »


I need to add some video galleries in a project and I need the different video sections to be accesible only to certain groups. I haven't found any video Gallery for Joomla that is ACL aware so I'm considering to use Phoca download instead. People would see the videos by entering the Phoca Download section and playing the play button. Changing an existing video gallery in order to allow ACL seems to be quite harder than customizing Phoca Download. Do you agreee?

The problem is that Phoca Downloads "play and preview" functions is said not to work when content is protected and out of "public_html" access. I suppose this is due to the fact that the Player uses flash and flash can not use web browser's cookies so a direct unprotected link is required due to the lack of session cookie. Is this the reason? If this is the reason, why not just append to the protected URL the PHPSESSID argument ? This way the content request made by the player would be authenticated and Phoca Downloads ACL constraints would allow or disallow access correctly.

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Re: Play and preview in protected content (non public_html)

Post by Jan »


Phoca Gallery can play YouTube Videos.

Phoca Download
- videos which are set for download can be stored in folder behind public_html - such can be downloaded only.
- videos for play are mostly stored in public_html tree, so it can be played on internet - if you set them behind the public_html, they are not accessed for playing
- you can use flash or html5 for playing videos

The reason why you can paste a downloadable video behind public_html and playable video into public_html is:

- to preview e.g. some part of the video - only preview - such can be played on the site
- to download whole video - such cannot be played e.g. because such video is accessible for registered only.

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Re: Play and preview in protected content (non public_html)

Post by iblanco »

So I can have a full version of a video behind public_html and its preview in public_html. Phoca will be able to relate both videos and offer the unregistered users the option to preview but not download it. Is it?

Then I guess the required hack to make it work as I expect will be a bit harder, I'll have to avoid the standard preview function completely and just embed the player pointing to the downloadable video itself instead of listing it for download.

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