The search plugin usually links to the category page. However, when using the "No pupop" detail view option, one can link directly to the picture instead.
Solution: change line 223 in /plugins/search/phocagallery/phocagallery.php:
Code: Select all
$listImages[$key]->href = JRoute::_(PhocaGalleryRoute::getCategoryRoute($value->catid, $value->catalias));
Code: Select all
// If the detail window is not a pupop (7) then we can directly link to the image itself.
if ($paramsC->get('detail_window') == 7) {
$listImages[$key]->href = JRoute::_(PhocaGalleryRoute::getImageRoute($value->id, $value->catid, $value->slug, $value->catalias));
else {
$listImages[$key]->href = JRoute::_(PhocaGalleryRoute::getCategoryRoute($value->catid, $value->catalias));
} }