phoca Gallery - batch edit (image titles and descriptions)

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phoca Gallery - batch edit (image titles and descriptions)

Post by reko »


I desperately needed to add title and descriptions to my photos, but since i didn't want to do it one by on, I tried to coded it myself.
And this is what I came up with:
It's basically three files that work as a standalone tool to put in titles and descriptions to your images. 1. you select the pg category you'd like to edit, 2. than it shows you all the images in that category where you can type in all the information next to the images and 3. it saves it all to the database..

I'm not a programmer though, so it's very basic and I couldn't figure out how to integrate it to Joomla or PG - but it works for me...

To test it copy the folder to your server (anywhere within your Joomla site). You also have to put in your database information on the top of each file.

I think it would be great to further develop it and transform it to an extension or maybe include it in the phoca gallery component itself. But as I sad before I don't have the knowledge to do this, but if anyone wants to use my files feel free to do so - but at your own risk please!

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Re: phoca Gallery - batch edit (image titles and description

Post by DirkD »

Hi Reko,

I cannot believe that nobody finds your tip useful here. I was looking for solutions to batch edit titles for a long time, without any results. I just tried your program and it works like a charm ! I am really relieved and excited that I finally can do this thanks to you.

In my case I have several hundreds of pictures loaded in PG from Picasa. In Picasa I can set the descriptions, but they appear in the lightbox only. The thumbs show the filenames, not the titles. They need to be edited one by one and that is simply impossible if you have so many images.

@Jan, please have a look into Reko's code to see if it can be implemented into PG. Yes, it would need some finetuning but I guess many people would feel relieved when they can finally batch edit the titles and descriptions. This tool should be part of PG for a long time. Hey, I would even pay for it :wink:
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Re: phoca Gallery - batch edit (image titles and description

Post by voytek007 »

Thanks Reko - that's really nice of you! Probably I will give it a try sooner than later... ;) Cheers!
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Re: phoca Gallery - batch edit (image titles and description

Post by ahuemmer »

Hi all,

facing exactly the problem reko did, I luckily stumbled upon this thread and found rekos tool quite helpful. The only problem was, that (at least in my case) it could not handle certain special chars (like ä, ö, ü, ...) correctly, so I deciced to adapt it a little, the result is here: ...

I concentrated all the DB handling stuff in a new class "DBConnector". This "const"s in this file are (hopefully :wink: ) the only thing you should have to modify. As the scripts are now doing their job very well, I didn't do anything more like parameter checking, HTML5 conversion or whatsoever. So please take account of the following disclaimer:
  • I do not give any guarantees for the scripts / my modifications - use them at your own risk
  • It is a security risk to leave the scripts on your site in a publicly accessible place, so you should only enable them whenever you need them and then remove or disable them as soon as possible
Thanks again to reko for his original work, which was very helpful to me! :| Phoca Gallery really should have a feature like this "on board", because as I think, this kind of multi-file processing is a widely-demanded use case.
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Re: phoca Gallery - batch edit (image titles and description

Post by Jan »

Hi, thank you very much for the improvement.

Thank you, Jan
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