Pagination and Category Back Arrow, plus...

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Pagination and Category Back Arrow, plus...

Post by IDontbyte »


I've been trying different pagination counts 10,20,30... and 15,30,45... but, with the Category Back Arrow, I always end up with 11, 21, 16, 31, etc. "images" on the page. I've configured the image display to show five images per row, so the display shows two or three lines of images plus an end line with the lonely last image :cry: in the paginated sequence. The first image on the page is always the Back Arrow to the Category or Sub-category. So, I effectively get an extra image where there is need for the Back Arrow. I've yet to try 14,29,44,...

This brings me to my other "problem". The slide show generated from the images on a page of images only shows the images displayed on the pagination page. Is there anyway to start from the image clicked on but to display, in sequence, all the images in the Category, without having to select "All" in the pagination?

And finally! How to specify use of the Category Folder Icons without also having Category Images (with folder symbols) in the Categories View in Category - you've managed to do this in your demo "Categories View in Category - Wine". I've tried all sorts of parameter combinations without success.


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Re: Pagination and Category Back Arrow, plus...

Post by Jan »

Hi, if you are using Phoca Gallery and not Phoca Download, you can set own pagination, to have the images aligned in columns like you need, you need to remove the back button from "category view" and enable it in "categories view in category view"
documentation: ... d-glossary

All the images can be displayed in slideshow when iframe method is used: ... al-advices (8)

Category Folder Icon: ... t/511-tips (1)

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Re: Pagination and Category Back Arrow, plus...

Post by IDontbyte »

Hi Jan

Many thanks. I had already tried changing the pagination to 14,29,44, etc. after I posted my original query and found that worked.

I've also discovered how to set the Categories in Category View as I wanted - I found it wasn't enough to just set "Display Categories in Category View" to "No", I also had to set the following two parameters to "Nowhere" and "No" as well and then the Folder images displayed with the Image Thumbnails then disappeared.

I followed the iframe tip but then the slide show facility vanished as did the image titles unless I also specified showing title with description and then I got a large white area to the right of the picture. So, I've gone back to "Highslide JS (Image Only)" and I'll just have to post a warning note on the web pages.


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