File upload problems

Phoca Download - download manager
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File upload problems

Post by Stuart »

I have installed Phoca Download 3.0.5 and I am not sure how to get it to do what I think that it should do.

1) I am able to access multiple upload in the back end of Phoca Downoad, but am only able to upload files singly from the frontend. I do not seem to have the option to upload multiple files. How do I access the multiple file upload from the front end?

2) When I upload multiple files they seem tho be deposited into C:\Program Files\Apache2.2\htdocs\23aclevelandterrace\phocadownload\ and I have no means available o move them into the /userupload directory, what am I doing wrong?

3) When I upload the files and move them to the /phocadownload folder, how do I then move them to the /phocadownloadap folder if I want to display the preview button?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Re: File upload problems

Post by Jan »


1) in frontend there is no such option
2) you can set folders/directories where the files will be uploaded - navigate through folders like in your file manager
3) you can copy them e.g. in ftp but if you set that the file which is uploaded will be previewable or playable then it will be copied to the folder automatically, just see the options: ... e-joomla-3

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