I installed "com_virtuemart_IDnR_addon (DE)" and everything is fine.
I installed "com_virtuemart_IDnR_Email_addon (DE)" and everything seems to be fine, but:
When I click the email-button (Delivery Tab), the email is generated, but the values, which should be automatically put in are blank (Lieferungs-Nr.: 00000000 (Ihre Auftrags-Nr.: 00000000 vom ) NOTE: the # are 000 and the date is missing completely). Sending the mail works, but also the attached pdf just consists of the template, no real info put in!
Just klicking the PDF button (Delivery Tab) works fine (com_virtuemart_IDnR_addon) and the pdfs are correct!
I guess there is some error in the includes.. somehow the script does not get the values of the variables...
Do you know what I have to look for and where?

my setup is: Joomla 1.5.7 and VirtueMart 1.1.2
Thank you