Access and Re-direct To Login

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Access and Re-direct To Login

Post by HekaMultimedia »


Again, I appreciate this plugin! I have a question related to the redirect and message given. I have files that are public and some that are for members of a custom user group. When I set a file to the custom user group, the component redirects the user to login if they are not logged in. This is working fine except for my files that are not just for registered users but are for a custom group, the person who is just a registered user is still told to login. Is there a way to change the message in those cases or redirect to a different page?
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Re: Access and Re-direct To Login

Post by Jan »

Hi, try to recheck your access settings.

- if there is a public user, he/she will be redirected to login
- if there is a registered user or user in the group (depends on which options you set), he/she will be not redirected and can directly download - of course if registered user is not logged in, he/she is a public user until he/she will login.

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Re: Access and Re-direct To Login

Post by HekaMultimedia »

Thanks, but that is already working fine. I must not have explained myself clear.

If there is a "Registered" user not yet logged in, they are directed to login. But if the file is set to a custom group, they can not download the file (which is perfect). But when they try to download the file - it tells them that they need to login but they are already logged in. So my question is, is there a way to change the message that is given for that situation? Although the person is registered, some downloads are only available for a member of a custom group which they would have to subscribe on the site.
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Re: Access and Re-direct To Login

Post by Jan »

Aha, now I understand, this needs to be customized:

- to somehow customize it in php code
- or to change the string in language file, e.g. from:
"You need to be logged in to download the file:
"You need to be logged in and you need to belong to group XXX to download the file, see more information about how to be a part of group XXX ..." etc. :idea:

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