Re: setting upload rights to a group, not individuals
Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 23:25
Dear all, I am new in Phoca Download. Recently I use it for our non-profit organization.
I also have similar question about this topic and I realize that there is setting for -All registered users-
But how if I have several registered users with a different privileges for uploading.
For example:
Class A
Class B
Access Level:
Class A Group
Class B Group
Student A (belong to Class A Group)
Student B (belong to Class B Group)
Requirement #1:
Student A can only download from category Class A and student B can only download from category Class B.
Solution #1:
This is easy because I can set category Class A's access to Class A Group and set category Class B's access to Class B Group.
Requirement #2:
Student A class can only upload to category Class A and student B can only upload to category Class B
Solution #2:
Still got no solution.
My temporary solution is setting -All registered users- to Class A Group and Class B Group.
But actually it is only solution to protect registered access level for not uploading to category Class A and/or Class B.
Please help.
Thank you
I also have similar question about this topic and I realize that there is setting for -All registered users-
But how if I have several registered users with a different privileges for uploading.
For example:
Class A
Class B
Access Level:
Class A Group
Class B Group
Student A (belong to Class A Group)
Student B (belong to Class B Group)
Requirement #1:
Student A can only download from category Class A and student B can only download from category Class B.
Solution #1:
This is easy because I can set category Class A's access to Class A Group and set category Class B's access to Class B Group.
Requirement #2:
Student A class can only upload to category Class A and student B can only upload to category Class B
Solution #2:
Still got no solution.
My temporary solution is setting -All registered users- to Class A Group and Class B Group.
But actually it is only solution to protect registered access level for not uploading to category Class A and/or Class B.
Please help.
Thank you