You interpreted my suggestions 100% and it works exactly as I envisioned it to be. Well done.
Here are one or 2 suggestions if I may, to make it work a bit easier....
- 1) Is it possible you can add "From name" and "From email" field when sending the newsletter, exactly the same as the "Send email" option? Most often, one would have a different reply address to that of the website administrator, and at the moment, it takes the Joomla default.
So as a rule, if you have these fields and they are blank, you can default to joomla details. It would be great if you can put default values in teh Options panel, so this can be a once off setup. So each time a newsletter is selecte for sending, teh default otions are populated, ready for sending.
- 2) Is it possible to show the selected mailing lists when you select a newsletter to send. What happened to me was that somehow the mailing list was not saved with my newsletter, so when it sent out, it sent to all subscribers, because I did not pick up a mailing lists was not allocated. (dont change your logic, it should send to ALL if no mailing list is selected)
- 3) Can you have an anti spam question in the newsletter module, just below the mailing lists? The question and answer settings can be placed in the module settings, so the user can configure his own question and answer. If no Q&A configured, you could ignore it