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Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 09 Apr 2015, 18:48
by jeejeestudio
Possible other fails for the captha can be other plugins/modules and even the used template. I had an template which caused several faults due to the Jquery.
I then installed The New Recaptha, you can find it on This solved it.

But first try the same with a standard template like Beez or protostar.

Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 10 Apr 2015, 19:31
by zerofield
Hi jeejeestudio.

Thanks for your suggestions. Changing to protostar template and turning off all applied modules didn't make any difference.

Just to be sure; did reinstallation of the reCaptcha system plugin fixed the issue with the guestbook captcha?
The only two options that display images are the recaptcha plugin and the guestbook component recaptcha. The problems are with easy/math captcha etc.

checking the php code and being a true php starter; is it correct that the image link is build at lines 171 till 189 of helpers/phocaguestbook.php, being the md5(uniqid(time())) the actual image file? Is the captcha image actually stored somewhere?

Kind regards

Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 11 Apr 2015, 09:24
by jeejeestudio
I did not reinstall the original from joomla but the one from, this one worked for me.
It is called The New Recaptcha its a plugin.

(maybe i partly misunderstood, i thought the captcha in general did not work on your site. Or do you specific mean with guestbook?)

Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 18 Apr 2015, 18:54
by zerofield
The only plugin installed by default joomla package is a recaptcha plugin. Together with the recaptcha option from guestbook these are the only two displaying a picture. All the other guestbook incorporated options for captcha are displaying the alt text.

Jan, reading through the GD manual/code options and searching through the full component code by using Sublime text 2 I cannot find any instance of a picture generating command such as imagejpg, imagetiff etc.
So where in the code is the image rendered, and where is it programmed to be displayed on a browser?

Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 00:39
by Jan
Hi, see:
components/com_phocaguestbook/helpers/phocaguestbookcaptcha.php - imagecreatefromjpeg line 16

There are the libraries for creating images.


Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 26 Apr 2015, 14:40
by zerofield
Jan, I traced down through the php files from the GD call @createimageformjpeg in phocaguestbookcaptcha.php -->createImageData in guestbooki.php wich mentions the function &getData. This is where I'm on a dead end. getData only reoccurs in guestbook.php as being part of a function name. Where is this function called/executed?

Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 26 Apr 2015, 23:07
by Jan
Hi, getData is a function of model: components/com_phocaguestbook/models/guestbook (guestbooki)


Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 14 May 2015, 16:33
by pvilloz
I've the same problem: Captcha image is not displayed.

PHP = 5.4.39
MySQLi = 5.0.10
Guestbook = 3.0.3

Strangely, the captcha image is not displayed.

Any idea to solve this?


Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 15 May 2015, 18:26
by zerofield
Unfortunately not, I switched to the approach of installing an additional captcha plugin.

Re: captcha image not displayed (guestbook version 3.0.3)

Posted: 17 May 2015, 14:29
by Jan

- check the parameters of Phoca Guestbook - check the path to image
- check the permissions on your site, it there is no problem to read the images on your server and to write the captcha code there
- check the method of the Captcha.
