Let me first start out by saying I GOT IT TO WORK!
But not after a lot of trial and error. I used some of your code kshipra and modified other code. I know I couldn't explain all the changes I made, and some things I did created other problems. I'm sure knowing php would help
I will attach my files in case it helps anyone to get their site to display images with search results and to figure out these last two problems and share with everyone.
Couple problems.
First, the search results are limited to 50. Any ideas what is keeping it at this limit? Before I got the images to display with the results, I was getting search results over 50 results for many searches.
I had already changed the code on phocagallery.php and phocagallery.xml , but it still is a limit of 50.
Code: Select all
$limit = $pluginParams->def( 'search_limit', 200 );
Second, I need is to add php code that will generate the Itemid for the image link.
For example:
if I click on a image from the results, it goes to the category page that contains it, the URL is:
BUT it needs to be this:
I need php code that will generate the itemid and tack it on to the URL for the image link. I think it would be added to the end of this line (180-181)
Code: Select all
foreach($list1 as $key => $item) {
$list1[$key]->href = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id='.$item->catslug );
Lastly, and least important, the results used to show the categories that the images came from, now they don't. I'm not sure which line of code does that, but I either disabled it or something. Any ideas which line display that?
Thanks so much. Much progress today!!!