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Re: Multi Upload File Owner

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 14:58
by cvogl
is there a chance that you can add an owner-function to the batch processing? This would be an advantage for every user so its not only our own interest but it helps everybody dealing with multi-uploads?

And is there a way when you multi-upload files at the backend, that the folder, where files are uploaded to is generally not root-folder but the explicit user-folder, as you are already logged in with in joomla?

Re: Multi Upload File Owner

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 14:52
by Jan

added to feature request list.

When you upload files in administration, the main folder is phocadownload or phocadownloadpap - depends on if you upload files to download or files for preview and play. Mostly, ownership is not set Phoca Download, users just want to publish downloadable files on the server, so their need is to upload the files e.g. with some folder structure which will be translated to category structure:

Folder A
- Subfolder AB
- Subfolder AC

will be translated to

Category A
- Subcategory AB
- Subcategory AC

In this case, the user folder cannot be set, so I think, setting specific folder needs to be customized directly for each server, to it fully fits the server needs :idea:
