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Re: Change of design

Posted: 07 Jan 2018, 18:10
by Jan
Hi, if you want to paste style from:
# phoca-dl-category-box .pd-category h3.pd-ctitle, # phoca-dl-file-box .pd-file h3.pd-ctitle, # phoca-dl-download-box .pd-file h3. pd-ctitle

to another part:
#phoca-dl-categories-box .pd-categoriesbox .pd-title or
#phoca-dl-categories-box .pd-categoriesbox .pd-title a (needs to be tested)

This needs to be customized in the CSS (copy the content of first style to the second style)

Code: Select all

 margin: 0;
         margin-bottom: 0px;
     Padding: 5px;
     background: #fafafa;
     border: 1px solid # e9e9e9;
     margin-bottom: 7px;

Re: Change of design

Posted: 08 Jan 2018, 13:30
by khasta

Thanks, I will do the test.
But is there any way to avoid having two steps to access any of the subfolders? Now the design that I want to change appears, and when I click, it shows again the same but with the changed design. Is it possible to avoid this step?

Thank you

Re: Change of design

Posted: 08 Jan 2018, 20:07
by Jan
Maybe I don't fully understand what you exactly mean.

In Phoca Download, like in other components, there are different views:

- Categories View - list of categories
- Category View - list of document
- File View - details of one file

and when you create a menu link to categories view then you can go through the menu link from

Of course you can create direct a menu link to CATEGORY VIEW, so the categories view will be removed but the tree still exists - from category view you can go down to file view or up to categories view. In Options you can disable to go to both views - to categories view or to file views.

So no idea what is exactly the problem:

1) that if categories view and category view has different output and in such case different style
2) or that you only want to have one view and you don't want that your visitors can go to other view (in this case up to categories view)

if 1) then the CSS needs to be customized
if 2) then it can be disabled in Options (the up icon will be disabled)

So if you create a menu link to category view, it does not mean, user cannot go through the tree level of categories <-> category <-> file


Re: Change of design

Posted: 09 Jan 2018, 20:15
by khasta
Jan wrote: 08 Jan 2018, 20:07 Maybe I don't fully understand what you exactly mean.

In Phoca Download, like in other components, there are different views:

- Categories View - list of categories
- Category View - list of document
- File View - details of one file

and when you create a menu link to categories view then you can go through the menu link from

Of course you can create direct a menu link to CATEGORY VIEW, so the categories view will be removed but the tree still exists - from category view you can go down to file view or up to categories view. In Options you can disable to go to both views - to categories view or to file views.

So no idea what is exactly the problem:

1) that if categories view and category view has different output and in such case different style
2) or that you only want to have one view and you don't want that your visitors can go to other view (in this case up to categories view)

if 1) then the CSS needs to be customized
if 2) then it can be disabled in Options (the up icon will be disabled)

So if you create a menu link to category view, it does not mean, user cannot go through the tree level of categories <-> category <-> file


"Of course you can create direct a menu link to CATEGORY VIEW, so the categories view will be removed but the tree still exists - from category view you can go down to file view or up to categories view. In Options you can disable to go to both views - to categories view or to file views."

I think this is the solution I need, but I can not find that option to disable those options. Can you guide me where that option is?

Thank you very much.

Re: Change of design

Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 01:33
by Jan
Hi, in Options you can set the "file view" will be not used. And you can set that the up icon will be not displayed (up icon is the link from category view to categories view) ... e-joomla-3

Display Up Icon
Display File View


Re: Change of design

Posted: 15 Jan 2018, 19:21
by khasta
I can not prevent him from making the jump. I do not give with the exact configuration to avoid duplicating the same view twice. What it does is show the following:

Category Father (Design 1)
- Subfolder 1
- Subfolder 2

And when I click on any of those links, it shows me the same thing but with a different design.
Category Father (Design 2)
- Subfolder 1
- Subfolder 2

I need not to show design 1.

In this link you can see how it works:

Thank you

Re: Change of design

Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 23:26
by Jan
Hi, not sure if you understand the principles of the views. All three views are different but as a bonus you can display subcategories in categories view (can be disabled in options).
So there are three different views:

- CATEGORIES VIEW - list of all categories (a bonus is to display their subcategories)
- CATEGORY VIEW - list of all files/documents
- FILE VIEW - details of one specific view

So, all three views are different and needed.
If you need to differentiate, you can do it in Options or in CSS. If you don't want to display categories view, then you can add a link to category view and hide the up button, so you will not have the similar view :idea:
