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Re: Quantity limitations on category level

Posted: 17 Sep 2019, 13:02
by Jan
Hi, mostly the groups are "groupped" into categories. Another grouping can lead to really unexpected results because there can be conflict between grouping products in categories vs. groupin them in other option. For example if there will be some new parameter like "product group" this can be then really confusing for users :idea:

Re: Quantity limitations on category level

Posted: 17 Oct 2019, 10:31
by uwe_h
following up to this discussion, would it be possible and make sense to you to implement those mentioned quantity limitations globally, i.e., for the whole shopping cart?

Re: Quantity limitations on category level

Posted: 21 Oct 2019, 14:02
by Jan

what does it exactly mean?

This means, that you e.g. say, only 3 products can be ordered at once? What happened when user makes more orders e.g. Can you describe in more details the idea, so I can somehow reflect it :idea:
