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Re: Background-Picture in Phoca-Premiere?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 00:10
by Jan

2) Ja, Warenkorb in Top Position hat "small" Klassen, so man soll es wieder in CSS ändern, wenn man grössere Fonts haben will.

4) Das sieht so wie ein Problem von Bootstrap. Helix ladet Bootstrap 5, aber Phoca Cart Bootstrap 3. Versuch mal Bootstrap in Phoca Cart nicht laden.

BTW wenn man Bootstrap 5 benutzen will, ist es besser dann Joomla 4 und Phoca Cart 4 benutzen.


Re: Background-Picture in Phoca-Premiere?

Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 18:14
by christine
Hier ist die Fortsetzung ..... viewtopic.php?f=44&t=63039

So, ich schließe hier mal den Thread.

Ein background-Bild geht in den meisten Fällen so ca: {formatierung} - je nach Template.
Ein Template, welches fluid hat bzw. links und rechts nur schmalen Streifen, bringt es nicht viel, ein Hintergrundbild zu machen.

In most cases, a background image goes something like this: {formatting} - depending on the template.
A template that has fluid or only narrow stripes left and right does not help much to make a background image.

Liebe Grüße

Re: Background-Picture in Phoca-Premiere?

Posted: 06 Feb 2022, 18:49
by Shuffle
I have found a solution to my question in #1 in this thread by reading this: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=60072&hilit=backgr ... ge#p157105

You have to switch the phoca_premiere template to "blocked"-design and fill in the following code in the file

Code: Select all

/* picture in background -- page-surround */
#g-page-surround {
padding: 0rem 0;
background-image: url('/images/yourpicturefile.jpg');
background-size: cover;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
If you don´t like "cover", use another option. :|

Best wishes

Re: Background-Picture in Phoca-Premiere?

Posted: 06 Feb 2022, 23:13
by christine
Hi Reiner - Shuffle,

Thank you for your information! It's an old but useful thread. Of course, some changes are in Joomla 4 with other bootstrap etc. in connections with templates ....

Kind regards