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Update Flowplayer
Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 11:25
by emal011
I see the only files that I can use with the Phoca Download( Flowplayer) are flv and mp4, if I try to reproduce some mov or wmv videos, the player doesn´t read it!
I saw in the Flowplayer website, that the new version can reproduce those files... My question are:
- Can I just update the flow player?
- If I make it, Phoca download run non-problem?
- Wich files they are? I see in the "components\com_phocadownload\assets\flowplayer" just 4 files, 1 js and 3 shockwave files...
Some ideas?
Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 22:10
by Jan
Hi, thank you for the info, I will add it to feature request list (updating flow player)
It is not easy to customize it, you need to change the Phoca Download code too, as there are if clauses with selected format types ... try to search the code e.g. for "mp3" etc to find where all you need to customize the Phoca Download code.
Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 20:11
by Jan
Hi, I am testing newest version of Flow Player but cannot get working to play wmv or mov. On Flowplayer forums I see only not answered topics about error - Netstream. Playstream not found.
If you have any information about how to play such files with flow player just let me know so this can be implemented to new version.
But I think, it is not possible to play wmv or mov with flowplayer, see supported formats: ... tml#format
Thank you, Jan
Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 13 Jul 2010, 10:33
by emal011
ok, i test flowplayer without the phoca component, and i tell u if it works...
I have a 30Mb file(wmv) and when I wnat to convert it in to a mp4 file, i get a 80Mb file...
I tell u later!
Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 13 Jul 2010, 12:29
by emal011
Yep... I already tryit in 2 different servers... no WMV...
Just a question, could be possible for Phoca, if u want to play some wmv, instead the swf player, just launch the default wmv player? I mean, i like the window effect, and i can play some wmv files with the default windows player, just a (if u play some wmv, then open the default player, none swf) but in the same lightbox window... that could be great, so i don´t have to write extra code for each wmv file, and the video upload and reproduction could be more easy for user interface, i mean, they don´t have to extra write an expecification for each wmv...

just upload and play (ofcourse just wmv, mp4 and flv)

or just tell me where I have to start to write....

Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 15:03
by Jan
Hi, no experiences with wmv playing in browser or starting it from browser
Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:30
by emal011
you know what could be great?
I have the Shadowbox plugin, and that accept WMV files, it´s open it in a similar way, like phocadownload preview..
But I see that could be a litle problematic write somre "rel=shadowbox" when I upload a video, I was thinkig, if you make some field in the administrtion zone(where u can edit the files), a field called "rel", and this field is write it automatic in the
<A rel="shadowbox">Preview</a>, also it could be a good idea if u want to use some other player, of course, if flowplayer doesn´t accept the file, like wmv...

Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 17:26
by Jan
Hi, I will take a look at it, it is not so easy as you need to upload shadowbox libary and check if this will be not in conflict with other parts on the site, etc.
Added to feature request list.
Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 09:44
by emal011
of course, but i talking about some bonus features(some plugin for Phoca Download), for people Who already have the shadowbox script, like I.
Well I hope it work... that could be great...

Re: Update Flowplayer
Posted: 20 May 2013, 01:19
by jaxweb
Joomla 2.5 & Phoca download 2.1.9
i was trying to find a way to use the rokbox plugin since i had a client that was going to upload all sorts of files (wmv,wav,pdf,doc,mp3,mp4's) and wanted to preview and also download. I modified this page (components>com_phocadownload > views > category > tmpl > default_files.php)to include the rokbox code but was finding out that rokbox was not recognizing the urls that phoca was using. The url's needed to link directly to the exact file and this was not happening. I noticed that phoca was using the direct link to PDF's to preview the files, so i added the rokbox code to the PDF download link to see if rokbox would work. . . .indeed it did. here's the new code found around line 97 that i changed
Code: Select all
$pdButtonPreview = '';
if (isset($v->filename) && $v->filename != '') {
$fileExt = PhocaDownloadHelper::getExtension($v->filename);
if ($fileExt == 'pdf' || $fileExt == 'jpeg' || $fileExt == 'jpg' || $fileExt == 'png' || $fileExt == 'gif' || $fileExt == 'mp3' || $fileExt == 'wmv' || $fileExt == 'wav') {
$filePath = PhocaDownloadHelper::getPathSet('filepreview');
$filePath = str_replace ( '../', JURI::base(true).'/', $filePath['orig_rel_ds']);
$previewLink = $filePath . $v->filename;
$pdButtonPreview .= '<div class="pd-button-preview">';
if ($this->tmpl['preview_popup_window'] == 1) {
$pdButtonPreview .= '<a data-rokbox href="'.$previewLink.'" onclick="'. $this->buttonpr->options.'" >'. JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_PREVIEW').'</a>';
} else {
if ($fileExt == 'pdf') {
// Iframe - modal
$pdButtonPreview .= '<a data-rokbox class="pd-modal-button" href="'.$previewLink.'" rel="'. $this->buttonpr->options.'" >'. JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_PREVIEW').'</a>';
} else {
// Image - modal
$pdButtonPreview .= '<a data-rokbox class="pd-modal-button" href="'.$previewLink.'" rel="'. $this->buttonpr->optionsimg.'" >'. JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_PREVIEW').'</a>';
I thought the select boxes in the admin where you choose a filename, preview and download button were redundant, so i removed them from the xml file (administrator > components > com_phocadownload > models > forms > phocadownloadfile.xml) and am only using the 'filename' to use as both the download and preview buttons. i have very ignorant administrators handling the file uploads in the backend and i wanted to remove as much confusion as possible. As you can see i renamed all the instances where "filename_preview" to just "filename"
Also, as you can see in the original code the PDF function only allowed previews of PDF's and Images. so i added MP3, WMV, and WAV files. Last as you can see, i added the rokbox plugin code ( data-rokbox )