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Rearrangement of images

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 15:28
by w_ds
Hi All!

Once again, it's me.

Is it possible to rearrange the thumbnails-list in a way that there are two columns of a table where one contains the thumbnails and the other the image the user chose (blank if none has been chosen yet)?

THX in advance!


Re: Rearrangement of images

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 15:32
by Jan
:-( only if you know html/php and you will rework it...

try to see the swap image function, maybe it can be the function you are looking for: ... ian-alps-2

Re: Rearrangement of images

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 16:00
by w_ds
Well, yes I know HTML and PHP, so redoing it won't be a problem. Problem is to find the right file for that. Is there some sort of documentation which file does or contains what?

Re: Rearrangement of images

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 17:40
by Jan
Phoca Gallery use the Joomla framework and MVC pattern, so there is:

controller - here you get e.g. POST and GET data
view - here you display the output (default.php will be used as template)
model- here you get the data from database or you add data into database

you you must change the:

view: components\com_phocagallery\views\category\...
model to get the data: components\com_phocagallery\models\category...

Re: Rearrangement of images

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 18:08
by w_ds
THx a lot Jan!!!