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Phoca gallery butoon

Posted: 09 Oct 2010, 00:28
by kleik
I Installed this plugin and add photos to article. Someone doesn't work becuase i see this informaton:

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'phocagalleryroute' in /homez.379/zinelibr/www/plugins/content/phocagallery.php on line 974

I can add that I use Phoca gallery ver 2.6.0 and phoca gallery button 2.7.2
Can anyone help me?

Re: Phoca gallery butoon

Posted: 09 Oct 2010, 12:06
by kleik
I upgraded phoca gallery to current version. Now in article where are photos appeared this information:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homez.379/zinelibr/www/plugins/content/phocagallery.php on line 740

Any ideas?

Re: Phoca gallery butoon

Posted: 09 Oct 2010, 16:51
by Benno
did you install and enable Phoca Gallery Plugin? And if yes, which version?
Kind regards,

Re: Phoca gallery butoon

Posted: 27 Oct 2010, 23:39
by Jan
also i found that $data_outcome_array on line 665 is declared as a string even tho its an array
this is mostly when Phoca Gallery does not get any information from the database, so then the array is empty because there is some error.

Enabling debug mode or php error reporting should give more information.
