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Pictures and cells do not display correctly

Posted: 18 Oct 2010, 11:10
by Smitan
The software is easyly installed and working. Far better than the original Joomla pdf.
Thanks for that. :)

On ... view&id=51, there are pics that do not show correctly on pdf. Besides that, there are also table cells that are too narrow.

I played with 'site cell hight ratio', but that doesn't give the correct effect.

Which parameter can I use to influence this behavuiour?
I did,n't find an answer in your documentation.

I found a solution for the tables by setting the width of the table to 80%.

Can I do a similar thing to pictures?

If you need a logon to the site, I will write you a PM.

Greetings, Hans

Re: Pictures and cells do not display correctly

Posted: 18 Oct 2010, 12:15
by ocular
The default image scale setting for phoca pdf is a reduction by 4. Have you tried putting this back to 1.