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I just get a complete blank page... Help PLZ

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 04:43
by Cloud_Battery
Ok im a Joomla noob working my way through a book with Joomla.

I installed Expose gallery YEY! it worked...
Got rid of it (was too fancy looking)

I installed Simple Image Gallery
Couldn't get it to work.
..Gave up

Trying Phoca Gallery
.1 install the plug in
.2 enable the plug in
.3 create directory in images/phocagallery full directory is (C:\Program Files\BitNami Joomla 1.5.x Stack\apps\joomla\htdocs\images\phocagallery) in case it helps
.4 i embed the code into an article with this code
{phocagallery view=switchimage|switchheight=360|switchwidth=480|basicimageid=71}

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=15|limitstart=0|limitcount=5|detail=0|displayname=1|

After that i preview it and i get just a complete blank page no error no joomla template frame ...just white like notepad.

I am using the latest BitNami stack using windows XP and Joomla 1.5.

Hope somebody can help me... :x


Re: I just get a complete blank page... Help PLZ

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 13:16
by caro84g
Did you install the Phoca Gallery Component? The plugin uses the component to display images.

Re: I just get a complete blank page... Help PLZ

Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 00:30
by Cloud_Battery
Thanks I must have just installed the wrong thing.

I installed the component and its ALL GOOD.

I still get a blank page when I insert the code into an article... but i don't care now.
It goes when I create a new menu item... So long as it works, ill worry about how it works another day.